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Apple iPhone 15 Plus - 3mk Apsauginis stiklas Hardglass Max Lite™

  • Apple iPhone 15 Plus - 3mk Apsauginis stiklas Hardglass Max Lite™

    Kaina 1599 
    Preliminarus pristatymo terminas : 1 - 3 d. d.
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    Turime sandėlyje nuo 1 iki 3 d.d.
    Pritaikyta telefono modeliui
    iPhone 15 Plus
    30 dienų pinigų grąžinimo garantija
    Kokybės garantija
    6 mėn.
    Ekrano apsauga
    Apie prekę
    3MK HardGlass - apsauginis ekrano stiklas. Didesnis atsparumas įtrūkimams, „HardGlass“ stiklas yra praturtintas „Anti-Crash“ plėvele. Ši daugiasluoksnė struktūra padidina atsparumą įtrūkimams. Stiprumas 9H. Dėl grūdinimo 420 ° C temperatūroje stiklo kietumas yra 9H (kietumas pagal Wolf-Wilburn, nurodytas ASTM D 3363), o tai reiškia, kad HardGlass braižomas su plienu (raktais, monetomis ar peiliu) išlieka nepažeistas. HardGlass turi 3mm oleofobinį sluoksnį.
    • Priedų ertmės kamerai, įkrovikliui ir kt. yra pritaikytos prekės pavadinime nurodytam modeliui.


    • Nuotraukos yra informacinio pobūdžio nurodančios bendrą prekės išvaizdą.


    HardGlass Max Lite - Durability tailored to you

    Glass for special tasks

    HardGlass Max Lite offers three benefits: it provides maximum protection for the entire screen, it is extremely easy to install and it prevents leaving fingerprints. Only 0.3 mm thick and a crystal-clear structure guarantee a distortion-free image.

    Takes over the threats

    HardGlass Max Lite glass has the highest hardness level - 9H according to Wolf-Wilburn and protects the entire rounded screen of the phone. It was hardened at a temperature of 400°C. In a dangerous situation, the glass will suffer scratches and cracks. You don't have to worry about damaging either the display or the edges of the smartphone.

    Fits perfectly to the screen

    HardGlass Max Lite glass is extremely easy to install. It precisely fits even smartphones with rounded screens. The non-sticky Inviscid-Sil adhesive substance is located on the entire surface, which allows for comfortable adjustment of the glass position. Forget about air bubbles. You can easily push them outside after installation.

    Reduces grease stains and fingerprints

    No more fingerprints and greasy stains on the display! Enjoy a perfectly smooth and always clean screen. HardGlass Max Lite glass has been enriched with an innovative oleophobic coating, which creates an absolute barrier to unsightly dirt. It is also responsible for smooth finger glide. HardGlass Max Lite will even work on gamers' phones.