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Apple iPhone 15 Plus - 3mk Apsauginis stiklas Hardglass™

  • Apple iPhone 15 Plus - 3mk Apsauginis stiklas Hardglass™

    Kaina 1199 
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    Pritaikyta telefono modeliui
    iPhone 15 Plus
    30 dienų pinigų grąžinimo garantija
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    6 mėn.
    Ekrano apsauga
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    3MK HardGlass - apsauginis ekrano stiklas. Didesnis atsparumas įtrūkimams, „HardGlass“ stiklas yra praturtintas „Anti-Crash“ plėvele. Ši daugiasluoksnė struktūra padidina atsparumą įtrūkimams. Stiprumas 9H. Dėl grūdinimo 420 ° C temperatūroje stiklo kietumas yra 9H (kietumas pagal Wolf-Wilburn, nurodytas ASTM D 3363), o tai reiškia, kad HardGlass braižomas su plienu (raktais, monetomis ar peiliu) išlieka nepažeistas. HardGlass turi 3mm oleofobinį sluoksnį.
    • Priedų ertmės kamerai, įkrovikliui ir kt. yra pritaikytos prekės pavadinime nurodytam modeliui.


    • Nuotraukos yra informacinio pobūdžio nurodančios bendrą prekės išvaizdą.


    HardGlass has a hardness of 9H.

    This is the highest protection against scratches. Even sharp objects such as knives or keys are no longer a threat.

    The highest quality finish and durability.

    HardGlass is owed to many hours of hardening at a temperature of 420°C.

    Comfortable use thanks to rounded edges made in 2.5D technology.

    Improved manufacturing process and 0.3mm thickness enhance impact protection.

    The new oleophobic layer in HardGlass gives even better tactile sensations.

    It provides an extremely smooth and pleasant glide.

    The coating has greater resistance to greasy stains, acids and other corrosive substances, which makes it easier to remove them from the glass surface.

    Perfect reproduction of the displayed colors is due to the perfectly clear, multi-layer structure of HardGlass glass.

    It does not discolor due to its properties remaining unchanged throughout the entire period of use.

    Easier installation and perfect touch sensitivity right up to the edges is possible thanks to the use of the non-sticky Inviscid-Sil substance.

    In HardGlass, its density and adhesion properties have been additionally increased, which reduces any micro-disturbances between the glass layer and the screen.

    Possible reassembly and disassembly have been made easier thanks to the layer protecting the top side of the glass.

    Moreover, it keeps them intact during transport and storage.

    The HardGlass glass production process complies with standards and is environmentally friendly.

    The components used to produce glass come from Japanese suppliers.