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Samsung Galaxy M13 4G - 3mk apsauginis stiklas HardGlass Max™

  • Samsung Galaxy M13 4G - 3mk apsauginis stiklas HardGlass Max™

    Kaina 2399 
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    Pritaikyta telefono modeliui
    Samsung Galaxy M13
    30 dienų pinigų grąžinimo garantija
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    6 mėn.
    Ekrano apsauga
    Apie prekę
    3MK HardGlass - apsauginis ekrano stiklas. Didesnis atsparumas įtrūkimams, „HardGlass“ stiklas yra praturtintas „Anti-Crash“ plėvele. Ši daugiasluoksnė struktūra padidina atsparumą įtrūkimams. Stiprumas 9H. Dėl grūdinimo 420 ° C temperatūroje stiklo kietumas yra 9H (kietumas pagal Wolf-Wilburn, nurodytas ASTM D 3363), o tai reiškia, kad HardGlass braižomas su plienu (raktais, monetomis ar peiliu) išlieka nepažeistas. HardGlass turi 3mm oleofobinį sluoksnį.
    • Priedų ertmės kamerai, įkrovikliui ir kt. yra pritaikytos prekės pavadinime nurodytam modeliui.


    • Nuotraukos yra informacinio pobūdžio nurodančios bendrą prekės išvaizdą.


    Reinforced full screen tempered glass.

    HardGlass Max provides the highest possible scratch resistance.

    It has a hardness of 9H. Thanks to this, even sharp objects made of tool steel cease to be a threat.

    High strength, finish and outstanding protective properties are due to hardening.

    Glass is subjected to its strengthening effects for many hours at a temperature of up to 420 ° C.

    Perfect coverage of the rounded edges of the screen is now possible with HardGlass Max.

    This is a novelty among tempered glasses that cover only the flat part of the screen.

    Reinforced edges.

    In combination with a thickness of 0.3 mm, they provide additional protection against impacts.

    The smooth and pleasant glide of the HardGlass Max finger is due to an additional oleophobic coating.

    It reduces friction to a minimum, making every touch of the screen surface a pure pleasure. Its increased resistance to greasy traces and stains makes it easier to keep the glass clean.

    Perfect reproduction of the displayed image is possible due to the use of a crystalline structure of the glass.

    Each of its layers is selected for clarity so as to ensure the highest quality of colors and sharpness, without affecting the originally displayed image.

    Instant screen response with every finger touch

    both in a dynamic game and lazy browsing of messages.

    Easy and precise glass installation thanks to Inviscid-Sil.

    The adhesive substance Inviscid-Sil prevents the formation of air bubbles and facilitates their possible expulsion.

    Depending on the phone, HardGlass Max has three variants of gluing. Details can be found on the offer page for your phone model.

    HardGlass Max is safe for the environment.

    The RoHS certificate confirms the production of glass in accordance with environmental protection standards.